India stands third in the world for average number of competitions per year and Indians are now breaking continental as well as world records each year. With the Indian cubing scene growing, there has been an exponential rise in the number of Indian cubing content creators as well.
YouCubers are YouTube channels centered around cubing content - they post reviews, unboxings, tutorials and much more. Indian cubing channels are currently some of the largest in the world. Here’s our list of the top YouCubing channels in India that are definitely worth following.
King of Cubers

Famous for YouTube Shorts, the King of Cubers channel is the largest YouCubing channel in India, with over 3.17 million subscribers (June 2022). The channel is run by Rahul Chopde who regularly posts videos of Mosaics and other interactions with non-cubers on the channel. The channel has over 175 videos with the most famous one being Gandhi Jayanti Special Sketch Art from Rubik’s Cube with over 118 million views.
His second channel Rahul chopde has 1.37 million subscribers, where he posts Vlogs and other YouTube Shorts and cubing sketches is an excellent source of cubing entertainment.
Technical & Smart India

TECHNICAL AND SMART INDIA is run by Video creator Akshat Bhargava. The channel has over 290k subscribers with 179 videos, the most popular of which is How to solve a rubik's cube (in hindi) with over 13 million views. The channel gained popularity through the high quality reviews as well as tutorials in Hindi and has remained one of the largest channels in India. The tutorials include nxn events as well as non nxn and other tips and tricks. The channel serves as an excellent resource for hindi speakers looking for tutorials as well as reviews.
Kapil Bhatt Cube

Run by Data Scientist Kapil Bhatt, the channel Kapil Bhatt Cube focuses mainly on tutorials. The channel is most popular for its pattern tutorials on nxn events, with the most popular video being Learn cube-in-cube pattern with 4.3 million views. Other videos include advanced CFOP tutorials, card vanishing tricks and informational videos about newer 3x3 models and other puzzles. The channel has over 213k subscribers and 293 videos.

Chitwan Bhatia runs Cubing India, a channel focused mainly on tutorials in Hindi. The channel has over 52.8k subscribers and 150 videos. The videos include topics such as best way to learn algorithms as well as lookahead and other challenges. The most popular video is Unboxing Cubelelo Mat with 4.5 million views
Cubing Guru
CUBING GURU posts videos on unboxings, reviews, tutorials, improvement tips and much more. With 38k subscribers and over 325 videos, CUBING GURU’s videos are extremely informative, going over topics like the best cubing store, winter variation tutorials, comparison videos, tier lists and more. A unique feature of the channel was the Cubing Guru League which featured top cubers from India competing online in a league style format and was one of the first competitions of its kind during the pandemic. The most popular video is different 3x3 rubiks cubes at different price ranges with 9.5 million views.
Rubik Guru
Rubik Guru focuses mainly on Unboxing videos has 28K subscribers and a total of 124 videos. The channel covers recent releases as well as high quality reviews on various puzzles, with an occasional video on Cubing news. The most popular video is Best Magnetic Rubik’s Cube - RS3M 2020 Unboxing, with 7.1 million views.
Upcoming channels to watch out for
While these larger channels are the most popular, there are numerous smaller channels which have their own charm. Most smaller channels are focused towards a certain niche, such as a particular puzzle or videos in a specific language. The below listed Upcoming YouCubers are some of the most underrated, that you definitely should take a look at quality content.
Ram Thakkar

Standing at 4.2k subscribers, YouCuber Ram Thakkar has a massive collection of 386 videos on his channel, and is among top 5 2x2ers in India. WIth some of the best thumbnails I’ve seen, Ram’s channel is quite versatile, with vlogs, comparisons, solve analyses, unboxings, reviews and much more. The channel is probably the best resource for those looking to get better at 2x2 in India.
Aryan Chhabra
India’s fastest cuber Aryan Chhabra’s channel has almost 4k subscribers with his most popular video having 37k views. He regularly posts extremely fast solves and averages, competition vlogs, along with a few advanced 3x3 and 4x4 tutorials . His channel is one of the best resources to get faster on 3x3 in India as well as gain his insights on competing and getting faster.
Kunal Oak

One of India’s top cubers, Kunal Oak regularly posts solves and competition averages. While his channel has 1.1k subscribers, the content is informational and high quality. A lot of advice regarding the best cubes and how to get faster along with reviews can be found on the channel, and is one of the most underrated channels in my opinion.
Cubing channels are probably the best cubing resource to help you improve your speed, especially for beginner cubers. Subscribing to these channels and applying the tips they share will definitely help you improve your cubing skills. Additionally, they are a great place to find and join an amazing online community of cubers!
About Author

Avani Sood from Bengaluru has won 12 female national records overall and has been competing for the past 4 years. She started cubing when she was 11. Her main event is Megaminx. Apart from cubing, she loves to cook and read. She has participated in 10 competitions and won 1 podium.