You might have seen plenty of blogs and videos telling you how to lubricate your cube. But an essential part of cube lubrication is cleaning! Cleaning your puzzle before lubricating can ensure that the end result after lubrication is what you expected it to be!
There are always dust particles in the air, floating around. These particles tend to stick to the pieces of the cube, especially if it is lubricated! So over time these dust particles add up and become a dirty gooey mass that tends to slow down your cube.
The first step to cleaning up your cube is disassembly. Start by gently pulling out the first edge piece of your 3x3 and after doing that, pulling apart the cube should be very easy.

You might also choose to clean the core pieces and to do that, just unscrew every side till it comes apart. Be very careful so you don’t drop and lose the small pieces of the core!

Cleaning the cube is a very tedious task!
I used to dread the very thought of cleaning my cubes, especially the bigger ones, which had a lot more pieces. For cleaning the pieces and the whole core mechanism, you just need a wet cloth and a dry cloth. Make sure the cloth material isn’t harsh enough to scratch the pieces. Just give the pieces and the screws and springs a good wipe with the wet cloth, while making sure to remove all the dirt and gunk.

After cleaning the pieces, along with the screws and springs with the wet cloth, don’t just start assembling your cube just yet! Make sure all the pieces are entirely dry before you start assembling.
To dry the pieces, you can just spread them out on a mini towel and leave them under a fan for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can pick up a dry cloth and just give the pieces a good wipe to get them dry!
After you get all the parts dry, the next step is to fully assemble the cube. Start with the core, screw each side in equally, going one by one, till every side is screwed in with equal tension.
Then start assembling the pieces layer by layer, till you have a fully assembled puzzle!

Using a dry puzzle is no fun!
Amp up your speedcubing performance and tailor the cube to suit your turning style by lubricating the pieces. You can apply a few drops of weight 1 lube to make the cube super fast, or drop in some weight 3 to stabilize the cube.

Choice is yours! You might also wanna drop some weight 5 on the core, so make sure to do it before you assemble the core or else you’ll have to pull apart the whole puzzle again!
I would recommend using Cubelelo’s premium lubricants for a longer lasting effect and better quality experience.

For a more in-depth lubrication tutorial, watch this video.
Happy Cubing!