how to solve mirror cube

How To Solve a Mirror Cube?

Arush Singh
The Mirror Cube is an unofficial puzzle. It has pieces of different shapes which allows it to shape shift. When you scramble it, the puzzle takes a...
best cube lubes

5 Best Speed Cube Lubricants In 2023

If you're a speedcuber looking to improve your times, taking care of your cube is crucial. A well-lubricated and maintained cube can help you avoid...
Bhargav Narasimhan

Why Should You Cube?

Bhargav Narasimhan
Bhargava Narasimhan, a doctor of pharmacy, definitely has golden fingers with a passion for cubing! Born and raised in Chennai, this cuber formerly...
best indian cubers

Cubers From India Who Have Broken World And Asian Records

Speedcubing is a well-loved sport that involves solving a variety of combination puzzles! The most famous one is the 3x3x3 puzzle. It entails execu...
best cubers

Cubers From India Who Have Broken Guinness World Record In Cubing

Solving Rubik's cube is exciting! Isn't it?! Speedcubing is the fastest solve of the Rubik's Cube that you will ever see! And Speedcubers can solve...
best 6x6 cubes

5 Best 6x6 Speed Cubes In 2023 You Should Look For!

Solving a Rubik’s cube requires a lot of patience and strong will to come to the desired outcome. What time do you think that it would take to solv...
best 7x7 cube

5 Best 5x5-7x7 (Big Cubes) Speed Cubes Reviews [2023 Updated]

Looking to push your cubing skills even further with larger cubes like the 5x5, 6x6, and 7x7? To solve these cubes successfully, you'll need a high...
best rubik's cube for beginners

Best 3x3 Cube for Beginners

Cube is a 3D Combination puzzle that has been very popular since the early 1980s. Cubing has evolved a lot since then, as now everyone is eager to ...

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