how to get faster in rubik's cube

There are many ways to get faster in Rubik's Cube. You can lubricate or modify your cube parts and make faster rotations. However, a crucial aspect is to use more efficient methods that enable you to make fewer moves. If you are a cuber, you would have realized that people from all skill levels have different techniques. For the simplicity of this article, we have separated these tips into different sections for beginners, intermediate and advanced cubers.

Are you excited to dive into the world of cube-solving?

1. Beginners: > 60-second average

As a beginner, you can improve your average time pretty easily. Work your way around developing finger tricks and place it where it would be comfortable for you. However, you must be careful to not develop bad habits which will eventually make things harder for you. Take a look at the finger tricks video from Feliks Zemdegs. He has also uploaded a series of finger tricks for beginners on his YouTube channel. You can try to incorporate these into your beginner's method to speed up your solve.

If you keep practising with good techniques, you can easily reduce your solve time. Another important aspect is to become colour neutral. It is easier to do this at a beginner's stage. Once you are ready, you can move on to the next level.

Read More - Best Rubik's Cube For Beginners

2. Intermediate: ~15 to 16 seconds Average

A majority of the cubers are in the intermediate stage. This is the phase when you learn the basic CFOP (Cross-F2L-OLL-PLL) method until you are comfortable with F2L (First Two Layers) and know all the OLL (Orientation of the last layer) and PLL (Permute Last Layer) algorithms. 

As you learn F2L for the first time, you should learn how to solve it intuitively. Initially, you might notice that F2L is slowing you down, but you need to be patient. With F2L you can model your own solves. 

You can perform the F2L with an algorithm: 

R’ F R2 U’ R’ U2 F’

1. Rotate the right face counterclockwise

2. Rotate the front face clockwise

3. Rotate the right face clockwise twice

4. Rotate the up face counterclockwise

5. Rotate the right face counterclockwise

6. Rotate the up face clockwise twice

7. Rotate the front face counterclockwise


Watch this video to see how this algorithm falls into place.

Once you have mastered the F2L, you need to move on to OLL and PLL. We would recommend that you aim to learn the PLL first and then the OLL. There are many OLL and PLL algorithms that you can learn. But you must ensure that you learn good algorithms so that you don't have to re-learn them. 

Be a part of the speedcubing community – through online forums or attending events. This will give you a different perspective on the world of cubing.

3. Advanced: <~15-second average

Many cubers often finish learning OLL and PLL within the 15-second mark. However, there are so many algorithms and techniques that you must explore. At this stage, you should be open to learning and discovering advanced modules and incorporate other tricks. Consider learning from speedcubers. You can definitely observe their moves and improve yours. A focused practice will help you implement the things you learn.


Recommended Read13 Benefits of Solving Rubik's Cube


As a cuber, do not limit yourself to any particular kind of algorithms or techniques. Explore them all, whether through thorough research or by watching tutorials online. Be patient, even if new moves make you slower. With focus and constant practise, you can get faster at solving a Rubik's Cube!




My speed is 100 million years 😭



Use moyu nexcube they are not magnetic but they work well. If you live in us, go to walmart and buy one. just pop of the center of 3×3 and loosen it up.



I don’t think the author meant to have a intermediate range of 1 sec and then a gap. Pretty sure intermediate was intended to be 15-60 seconds and the 16 was just a typo.






My average is 3.76 seconds



My pb is 15.34

Jashavant Wankhede

Jashavant Wankhede

I want to learn advance method I am beginner pls guide me how can I learn and where?



I feel like a semi-beginner stage should be added for people like me who normally have a 50-59 second average and for the people who average just above intermediate. Like 15-59 seconds would range here.



My PB is sub-10 and my average is about 17s, but i’m put in the same bucket as someone who averages just under a minute! strange article. The ranges you have provided are 44 seconds, 1 second and 15 seconds. Surely that can be better distributed!



I just learnt it two days ago, and my personal best is 17 seconds. Fascinating 🔥🔥



its so hard!

Speed cuber

Speed cuber

My fastest time recorded was 24 seconds and average 37 sec below

Gerec Genobiagon

Gerec Genobiagon

Please, can you give me reference on how to classify the Rubik’s cube player into that group, which is the Pro, Intermediate, and Beginner.



Thanks for the info, you skipped a big gap of averages though. I personally main the tornado v2 and average around 37 secs with my pb being 28.9. Iwould class myself as intermediate, I use the crop method with 2 look oll and full(almost) pll.



I’m fifth in my school and a not a beginner . My personal best is 32 seconds but my average is 52 seconds. I started a few months ago and I’m not a beginner. The beginners at my school are averaging like 2 minutes! 😤



I just learned yesterday and by Personal Best is 29.47 seconds.



i just learned today!



jk about 50 seconds on a 2×2



six hundred second average

Double nope

Double nope

Calling people who can solve a cube in 45 seconds “beginners” is silly. Maybe from the rarified air of a 10-second solver, but compared to the general population it’s ridiculous.



Are there more tips on how to solve a 3×3 Rubik’s cube faster?
Are there any more good methods to solve the 3×3 Rubik’s cube?




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